I bought my first camera when I was 21 years old.
A Canon AE1 Program.
Learned all the basics with that; well actually I thought I did.
Then came the digital age.
I picked up a Nikon D80 this time.
Turned it to automatic-no flash mode and shot on.
My girlfriends hated me because I slowed them down.
I sold my D80, bought a better camera.
I sold my better camera, I bought an even better camera.
I spent all my bonuses on lenses.
Because I could afford it.
Then I realized...
Photography is not buying gear.
Keeping the horizon straight is photography.
Gazing around before shooting is photography.
Being able to wait endless minutes for just one shot is photography.
Feeling and transfering the feeling is photography.
I realized that I could make photos of moments, feelings, memories.
I could make them live on.
I could live on.
That is why.

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